Learn about the plans of the Rishworth Mill Pond
Rishworth Mill Dam is slowly disappearing due to silting. Its our group’s aim to put a stop to this and to create an even more special place for the local community and schools.
Explore the beauty of Rishworth Mill Pond
Designated a ‘Local Wildlife Site‘ the pond and surrounding woodlands is home to a massive variety of birds, trees and plants. Around 60 bird types, 16o flowering plants and much more have been observed and recorded.
Learn about the 150 years of heritage
Once providing the source of power for the largest water wheel in the world, find out more about the industry this community jewel has enabled.
Learn about how you can help us raise what we need to restore the Dam
Friends of Rishworth Mill Dam need to raise a lot of money to reverse the decay of the dam and it might take us a while! Anything you might be able to donate to speed up the process will be much appreciated.
Learn about the Group's events and interesting happenings
Look here to see our fundraising events schedule and for updates on progress and anything else.
Help us preserve and renovate by getting involved
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